Testing & TrialsTesting & Trials Capability

Nexus Nine provides industry-leading, end-to-end testing for uncrewed air and associated ground systems:

  • UAS platform testing, including Open, Specific and Certified categories;
  • High- and Low-SRL/TRL programme support;
  • System and payload test, including enabling sensor technologies and Counter-UAS systems;

Recognised, modular approach to systems development and test:

  • Established and mature test processes, providing robust and repeatable evidence/data to underpin the development of low-SRL systems to ‘ascend the ladder’ in a rapid and cost-effective manner.
  • Testing is conducted in accordance with current Systems Engineering best practice – this enables our process to be easily integrated with larger programmes. However, recognising the need to support smaller projects, often based on exciting, but necessarily low TRL technologies, our rigorous approach to understanding our customer’s key requirements, coupled with a proprietary scalable process ensures effort is precisely targeted. With results and analysis tailored to a set of agreed aims and objectives, our customers receive what they expect, with appropriate/demonstrable data.;

Cutting-edge test areas, or on-site operations at clients’ own facilities:

  • A key facilitator is our test areas – Nexus Nine has access to a variety of environments, including rural, urban and areas featuring significant terrain variation. These areas are routinely baselined to understand factors, such as RF interference, GPS signal quality and EO signatures, to provide essential context to testing – this is particularly relevant to performance testing.
  • However, recognising that the required results may only be achievable at the site of intended operations, Nexus’ systems test capability is portable, allowing us to undertake the majority of systems test at our clients’ own facilities, where we would also assist in gaining any relevant Regulator approvals.

Wide ranging expertise in uncrewed systems and flight test operations:

  • A key strength is our wide-ranging expertise in all things UAS and flight test. From our extensive flight approvals, to our established and proven test practices, we can add value to any unmanned project, from the smallest technology demonstrator, to the largest ‘system of systems’ operational test.

Nexus Nine has been actively involved with Counter UAS since the very beginning, and is actively engaged working with:

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